Adoption of Internet Banking Services and its Impact on Customer Satisfaction: A Bamenda Banking Perspective

Takoutio Feudjio Virginie *

Department of Banking and Finance, University of Bamenda, Bambili, Cameroon.

Yougang Bernadette

Department of Accounting, University of Bamenda, Bambili, Cameroon.

Teku Juscard Penn

Mater of Science in Banking and Finance, University of Bamenda, Bambili, Cameroon.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The purpose of banks Over the past years, had been that of providing higher customer satisfaction, because it is a critical one for long term success in the competitive market. The competition in the market increases as day by day so as to cope up with the growing competition pressure on banks. Banks are adopting many initiatives and one of them is internet-banking. Which involves providing banking services to customers through various electronic delivery Channels.

The objective of this article is thus to Examine how internet banking services adoption (Use of Electronic Funds Transfer, Use of Mobile Banking, Use of Automated Teller Machine) can affect customer satisfaction of Banks in Bamenda. To do that, Data was gotten from primary sources, 146 structured questionnaires were administered to customers of banks who were selected through a stratified random sampling. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis. From the regression table, results have shown that Customer satisfaction is being explained positively and significantly by the adoption of internet banking services. The coefficient R2 (65.6%) shows a degree of explanation of the dependent variable by the independent variables. Thus, the use of Electronic fund transfer, mobile banking, automated teller machine has a positive and significant influence on Customer satisfaction. This means that internet-banking services adoption have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. It is therefore recommended that, with this arena of competitivity, Banks should adopt more internet banking services to attract more customers, which will boost their performance.

Keywords: Internet banking, services adoption, customer satisfaction, competitive market, mobile banking

How to Cite

Virginie, Takoutio Feudjio, Yougang Bernadette, and Teku Juscard Penn. 2025. “Adoption of Internet Banking Services and Its Impact on Customer Satisfaction: A Bamenda Banking Perspective”. Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting 25 (2):107-14.